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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Complex gene expression in the dragline silk producing glands of the Western black widow (Latrodectus hesperus)

Figure 3

Diagram of all predicted tags for three MaSp1 loci and the longest MaSp1 cDNA. Observed (filled arrows) and unobserved (empty arrows) tag locations are approximate and not to scale. Antisense (salmon) and sense (turquoise) tags are paired by location. These MaSp1 tags are not predicted for any other gene in the reference database. Dots (•••) indicate missing sequence data. Slashed lines in Locus 1 indicate ~5 kilobases of sequence data that is not shown. Observed unique tag indexes are numbered for sense tags (0 being 3′-most tag in the protein coding sequence and -9 being 5′ most) and lettered for antisense tags (A being the 3′-most of the protein coding sequence and G being the 5′-most). Observed tags that appear after the stop codon are labeled with positive integers (sense indices 1, 2, 3) and Greek letters (antisense indices α, β, γ). Tag abundance is the average counts of that tag per million total tags (cpm) in the two major ampullate libraries. Multiple occurrences of some tag sequences reflect the repetitive nature of MaSp1. Start codon (blue hatch), stop codon (red hatch), and the polyadenylation signal AATAAA (orange dot) are indicated. The cDNA aligns with the three genomic loci up to the yellow hatch.

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