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Figure 6 | BMC Genomics

Figure 6

From: Dramatic expansion of the black widow toxin arsenal uncovered by multi-tissue transcriptomics and venom proteomics

Figure 6

Bayesian tree of CRISP proteins. Midpoint rooted 50% majority-rule consensus of 15002 trees. Values at nodes are posterior probabilities where ≥ 0.95, followed by a slash and bootstrap values where ≥ 70% (see also Additional file 5). L. hesperus sequences are bold, followed by three tissue expression levels (eCPM) (C = cephalothorax/S = silk gland/V = venom gland). UniProt accession numbers precede species name for other sequences. L. hesperus venom gland specific CRISPs are shaded red. Sequences from venomous species in red text, followed by a red dot if venom gland expression is confirmed. Sequences from hematophagous species in blue text, followed by a blue dot if salivary gland expression is confirmed. Sequences from non-venomous/non-hematophagous species in black. Ixodes ricinius = castor bean tick, I. scapularis = deer tick, Bombyx mori = domesticated silkmoth, Danaus plexippus = monarch butterfly, Drosophila = fruitfly, Musca domestica = housefly, Culex quinquefasciatus = southern house mosquito, Dipetalogaster maximus = kissing bug, Rhodnius prolixus = assassin bug, Camponotus floridanus = Florida carpenter ant, Crassostrea gigas = Pacific oyster, Solenopsis invicta = red imported fire ant, Polistes annularis = red paper wasp, Vespula pensylvanica = western yellow jacket, Vespula germanica = European wasp, Rhynchium brunneum = potter wasp, Microctonus hyperodae = braconid wasp, Daphnia pulex = water flea, Coptotermes formosanus = Formosan subterranean termite, Psorophora albipes = mosquito, Pediculus humanus = body louse, Caligulus rogercresseyi = sea louse, Isometroides vescus = spider hunting scorpion, Hottentotta judaicus = scorpion, Urodacus manicatus = black rock scorpion, Opisthocanthus cayaporum = South American scorpion, Amblyomma maculatum = Gulf coast tick, Rhipicephalus pulchellus = questing tick, Trittame loki = brush foot trapdoor spider, Grammostola rosea = Chilean rose tarantula, Lycosa singoriensis = spotted wolf spider, Tityus serrulatus = Brazilian yellow scorpion, Lychas buchari = Buchar’s scorpion.

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