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Archived Comments for: Genome sequencing and analysis of the paclitaxel-producing endophytic fungus Penicillium aurantiogriseum NRRL 62431

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  1. Correction for paclitaxel extraction

    Deyou Qiu, The Research Institute of Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry

    24 March 2014

    Culture broth was extracted with dichloromethane and mycelia was freeze-dried, pulverized and extracted with dichloromethane. Solvent was removed by reduced pressure at 36°C and the extracts were pooled. To the final crude extract, 0.344 g, 50 mL of water was added, and the mixture separated on C-18 cartridge (Fisher) with vacuum. Methanol was used to rinse the C-18 cartridge and elute the solution that contains paclitaxel. The methanol solution was dried (0.256 g) and dissolved in methanol or acetonitrile to 200 μg/μL after which it was filtered through a 0.45 nm filter.

    Competing interests

    None declared
  2. NRRL 62431 misidentification

    Toni Gabaldon, Centre for Genomics Regulation (CRG)

    27 November 2014

    We want to note that the reported sequence of NRRL 62431 described here as P. auranteogriseum seems to correspond to a case of species misassignment, as the genome seems to correspond to Penicillium expansum instead.


    This evidence is presented in a paper where we report the sequence of P. expansum, (see below) when comparing with the sequence reported here, we noticed NRRL 62431 genome is another P. expansum strain, as it is evident from the comparison of the whole genomes and the phylogenetic markers sequences present in genbank.


    I suggest this is corrected as soon as possible in genbank files to avoid propagation of the misidentification


    Genome, transcriptome, and functional analyses of Penicillium expansum provide new insights into secondary metabolism and pathogenicity.


    Ballester AR, Marcet-Houben M, Levin E, Sela N, Selma-Lázaro C, Carmona L, Wisniewski M, Droby S, González-Candelas L, Gabaldón T.


    Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2014 Oct 22.




    Competing interests

    I am author of the P. expansum genome paper
