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Table 1 Rank correlations (ρ) and partial rank correlations (ρp) of the genomic properties with expression dissimilarities (measured by ExpD1-r or ExpDEuc) of the non-paralogous adjacent genes

From: Accumulation of CTCF-binding sites drives expression divergence between tandemly duplicated genes in humans

Genomic properties a

ExpD 1-r

ExpD Euc


ρ (P-value) b

ρp (P-value) b,c

ρ (P-value) b

ρp (P-value) b,c


0.180 (<10-217)

0.130 (<10-113)

0.112 (<10-83)

0.040 (<10-11)


0.120 (<10-98)

0.032 (<10-7)

0.104 (<10-72)

0.058 (<10-22)


0.077 (<10-39)

0.049 (<10-16)

0.196 (<10-258)

0.182 (<10-227)

  1. a "d", intergenic distance; "#CTCF", number of overlapping CTCF-binding sites; "ΔCpGO/E", difference in upstream DNA methylation.
  2. b P values show the probabilities of the observations under the hypothesis of no correlation.
  3. c Spearman's partial correlation coefficient ρp is computed by controlling for the other two genomic properties listed in a