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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Transcription of the human and rodent SPAM1 / PH-20 genes initiates within an ancient endogenous retrovirus

Figure 2

The sequence and position of SPAM1 exons 1A and 1B with respect to TEs. The sequence shown corresponds to human chromosome 7 co-ordinates 123158485 to 123160464 in the UCSC genome browser (May 2004 release). Solid lines define the boundaries between different TE sequences. The class and orientation (F, forward; R, reverse) of each TE are given on the right hand side. Exon sequences are shown in upper case reverse type. The dotted white line frames the portion of exon 1A included in splicing variant 1A1, but not variant 1A2. The transcription start sites identified by 5'-RACE are underlined, and splice donor sites are shown in bold italic type. A non-consensus CRE is shown in bold underlined type.

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