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Figure 6 | BMC Genomics

Figure 6

From: Transcription of the human and rodent SPAM1 / PH-20 genes initiates within an ancient endogenous retrovirus

Figure 6

Comparison of the genomic sequence upstream of the human and mouse SPAM1 genes. (A) DOTTER comparison of the human (horizontal axis) and mouse (vertical axis) genomic DNA sequences upstream of the SPAM1 / Spam1 locus. Nucleotide positions in bp are given on the upper horizontal and left vertical axes. The approximate position of the human ERV1 MER34 pol region is shown below the lower horizontal axis. The approximate positions of the annotated mouse ERV1 MER34 pol region (solid box) and of the extended pol sequence (dashed box) are shown on the right hand side. The 5'-most transcriptional start site of each gene is represented by a bent arrow. An asterisk marks the approximate position of a conserved CRE in the proximal human and mouse promoters. (B) Multi-species alignment of the well-conserved sequence marked with an asterisk in Figure 6A. Nucleotides identical between the human and mouse sequence are joined by vertical lines. Nucleotides identical between the mouse and rat sequence are highlighted in gray. The mouse-rat alignment is incomplete in this region due to a small (56 bp) insertion into the rat sequence. The MER34 ERV1 consensus sequence is shown above the human SPAM1 promoter sequence; nucleotides identical between the two sequences are shown in reverse type. Solid lines above and below the sequence indicate the position of the conserved CRE. The 5'-most human and mouse transcriptional start sites are marked with bent arrows.

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