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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Analyses of murine GBP homology clusters based on in silico, in vitro and in vivo studies

Figure 1

mGBP genes cluster on chromosomes 3 and 5. A. One mGBP cluster is located within the H3 region on chromosome 3 (142.44 MB to 142.60 MB) and the other within the E5 region on chromosome 5 (105.25 MB to 105.58 MB). Genomic organization of the mGBP genes clustered on chromosome 3 (B) and chromosome 5 (C). Each gene locus is illustrated as a black rectangle, pseudogenes are shown in grey. The locus of the flanking gene Abcg3 is shaded. The approximate length of each gene is depicted below the corresponding rectangle. Transcriptional direction is indicated by white arrows. The approximate length of each cluster is shown at the bottom of the respective figure. The BACs used in this study are stated above the corresponding region of the chromosomes. The scale bar equals a length of 10 kb.

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