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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Evolutionary conservation of zinc finger transcription factor binding sites in promoters of genes co-expressed with WT1 in prostate cancer

Figure 1

Alignment of TFBS in EGR1 , GATA2 , and WT1 promoters reveals overlapping SP1, EGR1 and WT1 sites. Dots indicate nucleotides identical to human, while gaps are shown with dashes. Predicted TFBS are based on human sequences and are marked by boxes: EGR1, dashed; SP1, dash-dotted; WT1, solid. (A) Two separate WT1 sites in the EGR1 promoter are conserved between multiple species and both overlap an EGR1 site, and one also overlaps an SP1 site. WT1 site (human 614–630) overlaps EGR1 site (human 608–624) and both sites are conserved between all eight species surveyed. The WT1 site (human 565–581) overlaps both an EGR1 site (human 563–575) and an SP1 site (human 563–577). The SP1 site is conserved between all eight species, the WT1 site is conserved between all but opossum and the EGR1 site is conserved between primates. Negative numbers in the chimpanzee EGR1 promoter sequence indicate that the orthologous region was located 1,668 base pairs from the ATG site (further upstream than 1.5 kb analyzed for other species). (B) Two overlapping WT1 sites (human 1127–1143 and human 1129–1145) overlap an SP1 site (human 1125–1139) in the GATA2 gene promoter region. The WT1 sites are conserved between human, chimpanzee, and macaque, while the SP1 site is conserved between human, chimpanzee, macaque, and cow. (C) Two WT1 and an SP1 TFBS in the WT1 promoter are conserved. The WT1 site (human 1444–1468) is conserved between human, chimpanzee, macaque, mouse, rat, and opossum. The WT1 site (human 1409–1425) that overlaps an SP1 site is conserved between human and chimpanzee only, while the SP1 site (human 1420–1434) is conserved between human, chimpanzee, macaque, mouse, and rat.

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