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Figure 6 | BMC Genomics

Figure 6

From: Temperature during early development has long-term effects on microRNA expression in Atlantic cod

Figure 6

Experimental setup. Larval developmental staging was according to Herbing et al. [75]. Z, C, LB, ES, HA, st4, st8, and st11 stand for zygote, cleavage, late blastula, early somitogenesis, hatch, stage 4 larvae, stage 8 larvae, and stage 11 larvae, respectively; 10 g stands for tissues (brain, pituitary, liver, and gonad) from 10 g juveniles. Blue, red, and purple boxes represent 4°C, 9.5°C, and 7°C incubation temperatures, respectively. The numbers under each treatment groups show age of embryos (hours post fertilization), hatchlings, larvae, and juveniles (days post fertilization) at a given sampling point. Note that sampling days differ among the groups because of temperature-dependent developmental pace. “na” denotes no samples taken (not available) because of low survival in HL group. The detailed description of LL, LH, HL, and HH is given in the text.

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