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Table 1 Demographics for TCGA HNSCC patients analyzed in this study (progressors and nonprogressors)

From: IL-10 and integrin signaling pathways are associated with head and neck cancer progression


Patients (n = 235)

Age (mean)

20–90 (62)

Gender (M/F)

173(74 %)/62(26 %)

Race (W/B/A/AI/NA)a

212(90 %)/12(4.5 %)/4(2 %)/2(1 %)/5(2.5 %)

Smoke (Y/N/NA)

181(77 %)/52(22 %)/2(1 %)

Alcohol (Y/N/NA)

169(71.5 %)/61(26 %)/5(2.5 %)

HPV p16 or ISH (+/−/NA)

19(8 %)/49(21 %)/167(71 %)

Site (OC/OPX/L)b

135(57 %)/41(18 %)/59(25 %)

T Stage (T1-T2/T3/T4/TX/NA)

80(34 %)/64(27 %)/87(37 %)/3(1.5 %)/1(0.5 %)

N Stage (N0/N+/NA)

107(45.5 %)/127(54 %)/1(0.5 %)

Tumor Stage (I-III/IV/NA)

96(41 %)/135(57 %)/4(2 %)

Margin Status (+/−/Close/NA)

17(7 %)/158(67 %)/22(10 %)/38(16 %)

Nodal Extracapsular Spread (GE/ME/NE/NA)c

13(6 %)/34(14 %)/114(49 %)/74(31 %)

Curated Therapy: Therapy (C/R/CR/CRTM/CRTMV/NA)d

5(2 %)/60(26 %)/95(40 %)/1(0.5 %)/1(0.5 %)/73(31 %)

Radiation data: Radiation Dose cGy (mean)

9–7380 (4720)

Follow-up data: Follow-up Days (median)

45–4241 (530.5)

Follow-up data: Mortality (Living/Deceased)

164(69.5 %)/71(30.5 %)

Follow-up data: Days to Death (median)

23–5152 (456)

Follow-up data: Days to New Tumor (median)

50–1859 (339)

Radiation Treatment (Y/N)

165(70 %)/70(30 %)

Progression (Y/N)

68(29 %)/167(71 %)

  1. a W white, B black, A asian, AI American Indian
  2. b OC oral cavity, OPX oropharynx, L larynx
  3. c GE gross extension, ME microscopic extension, NE no extranodal Extension
  4. d C chemotherapy only, R radiation only, CR chemotherapy & radiation, CRTM chemotherapy, radiation & targeted molecular therapy, CRTMV chemotherapy, radiation, targeted molecular therapy & vaccine
  5. Gray Shaded rows indicate significant differences between progressors and nonprogressors (P < 0.05)