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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: The transcriptional and splicing landscape of intestinal organoids undergoing nutrient starvation or endoplasmic reticulum stress

Fig. 5

Analysis of the alternative splicing landscape in murine enteroids upon thapsigargin treatment. a Classification of AS events induced upon thapsigargin based on type of splicing event (skipping(S)/inclusion(I), complex 1 (C1), complex 3 (C3), alternative 3’ (Alt3), intron retention simple (IR-S), intron retention complex (IR-C), complex 2 (C2), alternative 5’ (Alt5)). Examples of both skipping and inclusion events are shown. b Scatterplot of the expression of the genes found to undergo AS upon thapsigargin treatment. Genes above the top red line represent a 2.5-fold increase in expression, while genes below the bottom red line represent genes down-regulated 2.5-fold. c Comparison of the proportion of frameshifting vs. non-frameshifting events within each category of AS type. d Examples of frameshifting AS events in Srsf7 (S) and Smndc1 (Alt3). Gene schematics showing the AS events in blue, as well as the Sashimi plots obtained by IGV showing the total read numbers for each junction. e GO analysis of the gene group enrichment among the genes that underwent AS during thapsigargin treatment

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