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Fig. 9 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 9

From: Transcriptomic analysis of Perilla frutescens seed to insight into the biosynthesis and metabolic of unsaturated fatty acids

Fig. 9

Expression profiles of differentially expressed members of transcription factor (TFs) family AP2, B3 and NFY putatively involved in oil biosynthesis and accumulation during seed development. a: Hierarchical cluster of expression levels of 37 TFs. Value of the color key refers to the log base 2 of gene expression level (RPKM).5 DAF (days after flowering), 10 DAF and 20 DAF were three stages of seed development. b-e: qRT-PCR validation of the expression of FUS3, LEC1, ABI3 and WRI1. The relative expression levels were normalized with internal reference gene Actin and 18 s RNA. Values are means ± SE with three replicated for each samples

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