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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Dissection of the mutation accumulation process during bacterial range expansions

Fig. 3

Mutation effect dynamics: Distribution of mutation effects over colony growth. The mutations are distributed into four time periods. Horizontal grey lines represent mutations in a given gene and the length of the grey line is proportional to the number of mutations that were observed in that time period. Red lines indicate the mean value and red asterisks indicate if the mean value is significantly different from 0. 3–12 days: p = 0.7858; days 12–21: p < 2.2 10− 16; 21–30 days: p = 0.0627; 30–39 days: p = 0.1125. Black bars on top indicate if mutation mean effects in different time periods are significantly different from each other, based on a pairwise t test with Bonferroni correction for multiple testing: 3–12 days - days 12–21: p = 6.5 10− 11; days 12–21 - 21-30 days: p = 6.2 10− 4; days 12–21 - 30-39 days: p = 1.4 10− 4. All other pairwise comparisons are not significant

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