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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: The metabolome as a link in the genotype-phenotype map for peroxide resistance in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster

Fig. 3

Candidate Gene Validation (a) Mated F1 females from crosses of the GeneSwitch106 driver to either UAS-RNAi lines targeting u-shaped (ush-57 and ush-44) or a UAS-control line (attP2, vector), which were maintained on RU486 food (red line) or –RU food (black line) for 48 h prior to being transferred to H2O2 food or control food. Survivorship was recorded for six replicate vials of ten flies per vial on H2O2 food (n = 60 flies) and two replicate vials on control food (n = 20 flies). In another experiment (b), survivorship of wild type females (Canton-S, n = 40) was compared to NPFSK1 females (n = 38) on H2O2 food or control food in an activity monitoring system (Methods). Asterisks indicate significant effect of RU486, or of the NPFSK1 mutation (P < 0.05) from the log-rank test using the survival package in R. Results are representative of at least two independent experiments, and there was no mortality observed on control food during these experiments

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