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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Blinatumomab-induced T cell activation at single cell transcriptome resolution

Fig. 2

Characterization of T cell subtypes in B-ALL cytotoxicity model. a The t-SNE projection of all T cells identified in Fig. 1b 17 subclusters are highlighted in different colors. The identity of each cluster was determined based on its signature genes. b The Z-score normalized mean expression of selected genes in each T cell subcluster. c The proportion of each cluster in the untreated (RU-16 h, RU-48 h, SU-16 h, and SU-48 h) and blinatumomab-treated (RT-16 h, RT-48 h, ST-16 h, and ST-48 h) groups. The clusters were placed in descending order based on the proportion of each cluster in the blinatumomab-treated group. d The percentage of activated TC3-CD8+, activated TC10-CD4+, and activated TC13-activated T cells among the total T cells and the percentage of activated regulatory T cells (Tregs) among the total Tregs in each sample. RS4;11-16 h represents RU-16 h and RT-16 h. RS4;11-48 h represents RU-48 h and ST-48 h. SUP-B15-48 h represents SU-48 h and ST-48 h. SUP-B15-16 h represents SU-16 h and ST-16 h

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