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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Identification of polycistronic transcriptional units and non-canonical introns in green algal chloroplasts based on long-read RNA sequencing data

Fig. 3

Alignments of the fragmented genes. Fragmentation of tilS (a), cemA (b), and rpoB (c) in Caulerpa species are shown. Tydemania expeditionis (Te) and Bryopsis plumosa (Bp) were selected as representatives of suborder Halimedineae and Bryopsidineae, respectively. Cv: C. verticillata, Cc: C. cliftonii, Cs: C. serrulata, Cr: C. racemosa, Co: C. okamurae, Cm: C. manorensis, Cl: C. lentillifera

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