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Figure 6 | BMC Genomics

Figure 6

From: Transcriptome profiling reveals links between ParS/ParR, MexEF-OprN, and quorum sensing in the regulation of adaptation and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Figure 6

ParS/ParR hierarchical control in P. aeruginosa . The model shows the predicted position of the ParS/ParR system in relation to other known regulators of QS. ParS is a transmembrane protein according to in silico predictions based on amino acid sequences. Amino acids H (histidine) and D (aspartate) involved in phosphorylation are indicated. The solid area of ParR indicates the DNA-binding domain. Solid arrows and blunt lines point to genes (or processes) that are positively or negatively affected, respectively. ParR controls the expression of mexEF-oprN, qteE and ladS, which in turn regulate QS through different mechanisms. HK: histidine kinase; RR: response regulator; P: phosphoryl group.

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