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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Common features and interesting differences in transcriptional responses to secretion stress in the fungi Trichoderma reesei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Figure 2

Northern analysis of selected T. reesei genes revealed by the cDNA subtraction library and cDNA-AFLP analysis. The expression level of the genes was analysed in cultures treated with DTT for 0, 30 and 60 min and in untreated reference cultures, in chemostat cultures of a tPA producing strain and its parental strain, and in a strain overexpressing ire1 and in its parental strain. The signals of the specific mRNAs were quantified and normalised using the signals of gpd1. The ratio of the signal in the analysed sample vs. the signal in a corresponding reference culture are shown for genes showing UPR-like gene expression. T. reesei protein model identifier (genome version 1.2), likely S. cerevisiae homologue and function or process in which the gene is involved is indicated after gene name. DTT 0 min, DTT treatment 0 min; DTT 30 min, DTT treatment 30 min; DTT 60 min, DTT treatment for 60 min; tPA, tPA producing chemostat culture; ire1, ire1 overexpressing strain.

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