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Table 2 The variant density per individual is compared for exome INDELs, exome SNPs and whole genome INDELs from the 1000 Genomes Project

From: The distribution and mutagenesis of short coding INDELs from 1,128 whole exomes


Average density per individual (INDELs/Mb)

Genomic region

Exome INDELs


1000G exome

Exome SNPs


1000G exome

Non-coding INDELs


1000G whole genome (without exome region)

HuRef exome INDELs


1000G exome

YanHuang exome INDELs*


1000G exome

  1. For exome INDELs the consensus set is also compared to the HuRef and YanHuang call sets. Variant density was calculated by dividing the average variants per individual by the size of the analyzed exome target region or non-coding genome as indicated. *The YanHuang exome only includes INDELs of length 3 bp or less.