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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Contrasting impacts of ocean acidification and warming on the molecular responses of CO2-resilient oysters

Fig. 3

Transcriptional responses of oysters to ocean acidification and warming. a Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) plot showing the cumulative expression profiles of differentially regulated genes among B2 oysters (gill tissue) exposed to elevated CO2 and/or elevated temperature (T). Each point represents the mean relative expression levels of oysters from the same exposure tank (average of 7 oysters for each of the 3 exposure tanks per condition). b Heat map of mean relative expression of differentially regulated genes assessed by qPCR. Gene names and their associated cellular functions are detailed in Additional file 1: Table S1. aCO2 + aT: ambient CO2 and ambient temperature; aCO2 + eT: ambient CO2 and elevated temperature; eCO2 + aT: elevated CO2 and ambient temperature; and eCO2 + eT: elevated CO2 and elevated temperature

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