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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Trypanosoma cruzi specific mRNA amplification by in vitro transcription improves parasite transcriptomics in host-parasite RNA mixtures

Fig. 2

aRNA-Seq results. a RNA-Seq coverage along annotated genes. To plot all genes in the same graph, all coding sequences were split in 100 bins (percentiles) and the number of reads aligned to each percentile were summed and plotted as a ratio against the bin with higher number of aligned reads. Dotted lines are standard deviation. b IGV genome browser visualization of RNA-Seq reads alignment along a 3 kb gene for all three methods used (specified in left). Coverage were plotted in log scale. c correlation between the technical replicates (same RNA input for different amplification reactions) of T7SL IVT and T7oligo(dT) IVT methods. d correlation between biological replicates (RNA from separate epimastigote populations) of T7SL IVT and T7oligo(dT) IVT. For all scatter plots, scales are log2 of normalized read counts and values inside the graphs represent Pearson correlation

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