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Table 3 Changes of gene expression levels (in log2FC) in response to the deletion of the CaPPZ1 gene under normal (KO vs WT) or oxidative stress (KOt vs WTt) conditions as well as upon tBOOH treatment of wild type (WTt vs WT) or mutant (KOt vs KO) C. albicans strains determined by three independent methods

From: Deletion of the fungus specific protein phosphatase Z1 exaggerates the oxidative stress response in Candida albicans

  1. More than 2-fold changes are highlighted in bold face. More than two fold and/or significant down- (blue) or upregulation (red) effects are color coded. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001 are labeled according to ANOVA test combined with Tukey post hoc test. (Note that the significance of DNA chip results cannot be determined)
  2. NA means not applicable as the gene was not represented on the DNA chip
  3. All of the data used for the construction of the table are presented in Additional file 3: Datasets S7 and S8
  4. aResult of a single pilot experiment
  5. bMean and significance of three independent experiments
  6. cMean and significance of five independent experiments
  7. dAbbreviations: GPI glycerophosphoinositol, MSF major facilitator superfamily, SOD superoxide dismutase, TF transcription factor