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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Improving CLIP-seq data analysis by incorporating transcript information

Fig. 1

IGV snapshot of two genomic regions with mapped YBX3 K562 eCLIP data. 1: read profile (coverage), 2: read alignments, 3: crosslink positions profile, 4: input control profile, 5: gene annotations (thick blue regions are exons, thin blue regions introns), CLIPper / CLIPper IDR: CLIPper replicate 1 and IDR peaks, PEAKachu: PEAKachu peaks, PureCLIP: PureCLIP peaks (nearby crosslink positions merged). For clarity only gene strand reads from replicate 1 are displayed. aPRDX6 whole gene region (length 11 kb, maximum read coverage 1141). bDDOST gene exons 6 and 7 region (length 563 bp, maximum read coverage 167)

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