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Table 1 BUSCO results from the de novo transcriptomes of P. platycephala and S. pulcherrimum

From: Cross-species transcriptomes reveal species-specific and shared molecular adaptations for plants development on iron-rich rocky outcrops soils


Parkia platycephala

Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum

Embryophyta / Eudicotyledons


Evigene reduced assembly

Main filtered set


Evigene reduced assembly

Main filtered set


1358 (94.3%)

1357 (94.3%)

1314 (91.2%)

1355 (94.1%)

1354 (94.0%)

1312 (91.1%)

2041 (96.2%)

2046 (96.5%)

2003 (94.5%)

2027 (95.6%)

2037 (96.0%)

1981 (93.4%)

Complete and single-copy

50 (3.5%)

214 (14.9%)

1201 (83.4%)

34 (2.4%)

205 (14.2%)

1236 (85.8%)

70 (3.3%)

311 (14.7%)

1840 (86.8%)

47 (2.2%)

312 (14.7%)

1862 (87.8%)

Complete and duplicated

1308 (90.8%)

1143 (79.4%)

113 (7.8%)

1321 (91.7%)

1149 (79.8%)

76 (5.3%)

1971 (92.9%)

1735 (81.8%)

163 (7.7%)

1980 (93.4%)

1725 (81.3%)

119 (5.6%)


28 (1.9%)

28 (1.9%)

44 (3.1%)

22 (1.5%)

21 (1.5%)

24 (1.7%)

41 (1.9%)

34 (1.6%)

52 (2.5%)

39 (1.8%)

31 (1.5%)

52 (2.5%)


54 (3.8%)

55 (3.8%)

82 (5.7%)

63 (4.4%)

65 (4.5%)

104 (7.2%)

39 (1.9%)

41 (1.9%)

66 (3.0%)

55 (2.6%)

53 (2.5%)

88 (4.1%)

  1. The de novo transcriptomes of P. platycephala and S. pulcherrimum were compared to the embryophyta (upper lines) and the eudicotyledons (bottom lines) databases. The percentage of inferred orthologs is in parentheses next to the number of orthologs