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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Highly accurate long reads are crucial for realizing the potential of biodiversity genomics

Fig. 3

Sequencing technology representation and genome assembly quality across all animal and plant assemblies deposited in GenBank as of November 2021. A breakdown of the sequencing technology used for genome assemblies in (a) plants and (b) animals. Total assembly length broken down by sequencing technology for c plants and d animals. e Assembly length across all plant and animal genomes, regardless of technology. f Contig N50 across all plant and animal genomes and broken down by technology for g plants and h animals. Spearman’s correlations between contig N50 and assembly length for i plants and j animals. For (i) and (j), correlation statistics were generated for the full data sets but for visualization, assemblies less than 0.1 Gb in length or with contig N50 > 1 Gb have been excluded. For (c-h), asterisks and thin dark lines indicate significant differences at P < 0.05

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