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Fig. 10 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 10

From: Longitudinal multi-omic changes in the transcriptome and proteome of peripheral blood cells after a 4 Gy total body radiation dose to Rhesus macaques

Fig. 10

Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) of all transcriptional and proteomics changes in chronological order. A Heatmap of top IPA pathways that were activated (orange cells in heatmap on the right-hand side represent positive z scores) or inhibited (blue cells in heatmap on the right-hand side represent negative z scores) in both -omics analysis and across the 28-day time course are shown (range between -4.796 to 6.091). Acute phase response signaling pathway was the only biological response that was predicted to be activated at all times and at both transcript and protein levels. B Network analysis of molecules in acute phase response signaling network. In the center of the radial circle are known radiation response transcription regulators and molecules (nodes) on the circumference of the circle are predicted targets. The colors of the nodes depict up regulation (shades of red) or no change (blank node) at the transcript (left) and protein (right) level at 3 days after irradiation. Orange and blue nodes indicate no change at the transcript or protein level itself, however, the color indicates potential activation (orange) or inhibition (blue) of the regulator. Many of the up-regulated transcripts in the network on the left, are also ‘activated’ at the protein level on day 3 as shown in the network on the right

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