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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Host-specific co-evolution likely driven by diet in Buchnera aphidicola

Fig. 5

Scatter plots of Buchnera PCG %GC contents plotted over their percentage identity to their respective E. coli homologs. Overlayed on these scatterplots are (A) genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis, (B) genes labelled as hypothetical in the various genomes, (C) genes encoding for ribosomal proteins, and (D) genes that have been identified as split in the current study, or that shares the same row in the constructed gene array. The four quadrants represent PCGs with (Q1) values below the mean percentage protein identity and above the mean %GC content; (Q2) PCGs with values below both the mean %GC and percentage protein identity; (Q3) PCGs with values above both the mean %GC and percentage protein identity; and (Q4) PCGs with values below the mean %GC and values above the mean percentage protein identity

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