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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Genome-wide DNA N6-methyladenosine in Aeromonas veronii and Helicobacter pylori

Fig. 1

Identification of 6mA in Aeromonas veronii genome. A The motif enriched with 6mA. Information content at a motif position, where all nucleoside with equal probability, is 0 bits, while a position with exclusive occurrence of a single nucleotide had an information content of 2 bits. B Circos plot illustrating the genomic distribution of 6mA. Blue, green and yellow rings represented the regions with high, moderate and low 6mA levels, respectively. Red ring represented gene expression level. C Number of genes with different 6mA levels. The genes were categorized as low-6mA-density, moderate-6mA-density and high-6mA-density genes according to their 6mA density. D Correlation between the number of 6mA sites and the gene length

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